Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Grounds Supervisor Plants Seeds of Kindness

For most of us, the average work day takes place between 8 am and 5 pm, but Grounds Supervisor Mike Wynn has embraced the art of expecting the unexpected.

Wynn and his crew are responsible for maintaining approximately 765 acres of grounds within Mansfield ISD. Anytime there is an issue with district roadways, parking lots or landscaping, Wynn is committed to solving the problem, but his service certainly does not stop there.

“Although he’s over the Grounds Care Department, he’s always made himself available for any type of situation,” said Jeff Brogden, Assistant Superintendent of Administrative Support. “We get a lot of calls in the middle of the night and Mike’s phone is always answered, regardless of whether it’s related to grounds care. I know that I can always count on him.”

Throughout his 16 years with Mansfield ISD, Wynn has developed a reputation of being one of those treasured “go-to” people. His selfless attitude and kind spirit are traits that made him a fantastic selection for the February 2012 Heartbeat Team Award Winner.

Upon receiving the award, Wynn was surprised and honored. He shared his refreshingly simple philosophy on running a successful department.

“It’s not always the best work conditions for our department, but I’ve got a good group of people and they don’t complain,” he said. “They get out there and do the job and do the best they can, and that’s all you can ask for.”

Wynn’s positive attitude and compassion have made him a shining example not only to his teammates, but to many others across the district.

“He leads by example without even trying to,” said Michelle Fry, Benefits Coordinator. “Everybody wants a boss like Mike. He is fair, understanding and you know he genuinely cares.”

On behalf of the Mansfield ISD Administration, congratulations to Mike Wynn, our very deserving February 2012 Heartbeat Team Award Winner!

About the Heartbeat Team
The Mansfield ISD Heartbeat Team was established to recognize employees who display heart in their lives and inspire other district employees through their actions. Heartbeat Team members are nominated only by other district employees. Winners are selected during the school year from those nominated. Those named to the Heartbeat Team are still eligible for other district honors.


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