Friday, February 17, 2012

Asa Low Intermediate - International Space Station Q&A Video

Students at Mansfield ISD's Asa Low Intermediate School had the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to talk live with NASA astronauts aboard the International Space Station on Tuesday, January 31. The students took part in a NASA in-flight education downlink with the Expedition 30 crew aboard the International Space Station as it orbits Earth at an altitude ranging from 230-286 miles and a speed of approximately 17,500 miles per hour.

Editor's Note: To view the video inside the MISD network, please use the Video Portal.

To prepare for the downlink, students took part in over 100 space-related lessons and curriculum projects, including a school community Space Night event on January 27. Attractions at Space Night will included genuine moon rocks and a NASA space suit.

In honor of the event, the Mansfield ISD School Board adopted a resolution to ceremonially renamed the campus NASA Low Intermediate School for month of January, 2012.

Asa Low Intermediate teacher, Patricia Londono, worked over two years on the submission with NASA's Teaching from Space team. On July 1, 2011, NASA awarded Asa Low Intermediate School with an In-Flight Education Downlink that was held on January 31, 2012.

NASA Downlink Photo Gallery

Media Coverage:

Mansfield ISD students chat with astronauts in orbit
Astronauts In Orbit Chat With Eager Mansfield ISD Students


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