Friday, March 4, 2011

Timberview High School's HOG Week 2011

Timberview High School puts on an annnual HOG Week which stands for Helping Others Thru Giving. Thanks to THS for the following info on the history of the program and plans for this year.

  • In 2007, Timberview Student Council wanted to give back to the Mansfield Community, support a child in need and have fun while doing it! Thus HOG Week was created! HOG Week stands for 'Helping Others Thru Giving.' Collectively we have raised $63,000 supporting young children & organizations across the world! It is an exciting way to educate teens and our community about the importance of giving and positively affecting the life of someone in need...making wishes come true!
  • In 2006, THS partnered with Make-A-Wish and sent a young boy diagnosed with Sickle-Cell Anemia to the Pro Bowl.
  • In 2007, THS supported a faculty member's son, involved in a four-wheeling accident and is now successfully adjusting to life as a paraplegic.
  • In 2008, THS partnered with Make-A-Wish and sent a young girl diagnosed with Wilms Tumor to Disney World.
  • In 2009/10, THS partnered with TOMS Shoes and Make-A-Wish, sending over 500 shoes to children across the world, assisted in the start of 'Leah's Legacy 5K Run' supporting our '08 HOG Week recipient and helped send a Make-A-Wish recipient to Washington, D.C....all student led.
2011 HOG Information:
This year, our 10-year-old recipient, Hayley wishes to go to Disney World! And we are going to make it happen in cooperation with Make-A-Wish. Hayley has been diagnosed with severe mitral stenosis.
Student Council has an amazing week jam-packed with everything from messy pep rallies to a male beauty pageant - event after event to make memories and raise money for a great cause.
(HOG Week starts Friday, March 4 - Friday, March 11) HOG WEEK SCHEDULE: We look forward to seeing you all at our fun-filled week of crazy HOG events! Please view our calendar for dates, times, locations and prices! If you have any questions, please see Ms. Mills.
Also, read The Outlook, THS student newspaper, story on HOG Week.


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