Thursday, March 24, 2011

Students Prove the Power of Pennies at Willie Brown Elementary

The students of Willie E. Brown Elementary School helped save lives by participating in the Pennies for Patients campaign benefiting The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society (LLS). 

For three weeks, students brought in spare change to donate to those whose lives have been affected by blood cancers, such as leukemia, which strikes more children and young adults under the age of 20 than any other type of cancer. 

This was Brown’s fifth consecutive year to participate in the fundraiser, and this year they were on a mission to break their previous record.

The school counselor, Lisa Arnold, encouraged the students by displaying the progress of each class on a chart in the cafeteria. 

“I counted each and every penny to make sure I recognized the hard work of each classroom,” said Arnold. “When it comes to giving, these kids really dig deep.”

The students that made donations were entered into a drawing for ice cream, but not all students were in it for the reward.

“Some kids donated their birthday money and said they didn’t want their name included in the drawings,” said Arnold. “They just wanted to give!”

Two 3rd graders from Mrs. Cortez’s class raised $140 over the weekend by setting up a booth in their neighborhood and selling homemade cookies and fresh fruit. 

We are so proud to announce that the students of Willie E. Brown were successful in breaking their previous record, bringing in a total of $3,050.93! This brings their grand total over the past 5 years to $9,473.06!
To thank the students of Willie Brown Elementary, the LLS will present the school with an award packet including a certificate, a letter of appreciation, a gift card for school supplies and special pennants for classrooms who donated $100 or more. In addition, the Olive Garden in Mansfield will provide a free pasta lunch to the top donating classroom. 

“When a school comes together the way Willie E. Brown has, it truly demonstrates what a difference pennies, nickels, dimes and quarters can make,” said Steve Abrey, Manager of School and Youth Programs for the LLS. 

The money raised by Brown Elementary goes specifically toward cancer research, and has proven to make a significant difference in the research progress. In 2009 - 2010, over $22 million was raised by schools throughout the country which participated in School and Youth Programs like Pennies for Patients.

 “These kids are truly making a difference and saving lives,” said Abrey. “Every little bit counts, and it goes a long way.”

For more information on the Pennies for Patients campaign, please contact Steve Abrey, Campaign Manager at 972.996.5935 or 800.800.6702 at ext. 5935.


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