Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Possible Site Location for Proposed Auditorium and Professional Development Center

Updated October 28, 2009: At the October 27, 2009 Regular School Board Meeting, Board Trustees approved a motion to put the MISD Performing Arts Auditorium and Professional Development Center at the Shops at Broad location pending the final resolution of a tri-party agreement between MISD, City of Mansfield and Forest City Developers at the November 17th Board Meeting.

Updated September 24, 2009:
At the September 22, 2009 Regular School Board Meeting, Board Trustees approved the construction of the performing arts auditorium and professional development center by a 6-0 vote.
The developer of The Shops at Broad Street, working with the City of Mansfield, has approached the school district with a proposal to locate the proposed Performing Arts Auditorium/Professional Development Center to the land at Broad Street and Highway 287.

The school district is examining the proposal and is addressing the following conditions:
  • The land will be given to the school district at no cost to the district.
  • The school district will retain the 25 acres of land behind Ben Barber to be used in the future as the district deems necessary.
  • The school district will retain 100% ownership of the facility.
  • The district will incur no additional cost to the overall construction price if we decide to move the facility to the The Shops at Broad Street.
  • If any non-MISD group wants to use the facility, they will pay a rental fee and meet MISD requirements for use.
  • There will be no special consideration given to the City of Mansfield for the use of the facility.
  • The City of Mansfield or any outside group would have the ability to rent the facility if they are willing to pay the rental fee.
The reason given for gifting the land to the school district is that if the facility is built it would spur additional development at The Shops at Broad Street. This would also lead to greater sales tax revenue. There will be additional meetings with the city and the developer of the The Shops at Broad Street to discuss the proposal and other possible considerations.


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