Monday, September 21, 2009

From the Rumor Mill

We haven't done this in a while, so it's time to check in with some rumors that we've heard floating around the District.

Rumor #1 - Mansfield Legacy High School is the second largest high school (square feet) in the state. False.

Sorry to disappoint you on this one. LHS is about 425,000 sq ft and in this area there are at least four high schools that a larger including McKinney Boyd High School (530,680 sq ft), Prosper High School (590,000 sq ft), Northwest Byron Nelson High School (504,000 sq ft), and Allen High School (582,000 sq ft).

Rumor #2 - Mansfield High School is 100 years old. False.

As it turns out, Mansfield HS is 85 years old this year. However, we do have a centennial celebration this year and it's for the Mansfield ISD. Yes, the Mansfield Independent School District is 100 years old this academic year. Plans are underway to mark this historic year with events, projects, and opportunities for the community to join in the fun. Look for future posts and information on the District's Web site for details as they develop.

Rumor #3 - Teachers are going to be fingerprinted for criminal background checks. True.

The Texas Legislature passed a law in 2007 (SB 9) requiring fingerprint-based criminal background reviews for certain school employees.

Beginning in November 2009, the following groups of staff members will be fingerprinted and processed:
  • All MISD substitute teachers (certified and non-certified)
  • All MISD certified educators
  • All MISD paraprofessionals working (certified or non-certified)
  • Note: All non-certified school employees must submit fingerprint information to the Department of Public Safety before starting work for a District.
We are providing information regarding the fingerprinting on the Personnel Web pages, including an FAQ page. It is our hope that employees will read through this information carefully and understand the process especially for those whose name on their teaching certificate doesn't match their driver's license because of a name change. Additionally, both TEA and the State Board of Educator Certification are maintaining pages with information.

Send us your rumor mill items and we'll take them on here. You can send us one via comments or by emailing . If you send it by email, be sure to let me know it is a rumor mill item in the subject line.


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