Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Day 1 - Blogging from China

The following is the first in a series of blogs posted by Dr.Bob Morrison, Mansfield ISD Deputy Superintendent, from his current educational tour of China.

Day One from China:

Mr. Newsom and I arrived in Beijing at 4:00 am on Tuesday morning. There are over 400 educators from all over the United States going through this week’s activity. Since we are coming from both coasts and arriving at various times throughout the day, the first day’s activities are sight seeing and trying to get you adjusted to the 13 hour difference in our time.

I think on the first days post it would be appropriate to let everyone know who is sponsoring educators from around the United States to China. The Chinese Bridge for American Schools is our host group. The College Board, who is the organization promoting college readiness courses in MISD and throughout the United States, is in partnership with our week's activities. There will be times of cultural experiences throughout the week, as well as several visits to local schools. This is especially exciting for all the educators in the group. I am interested in how other countries reach out to their students and make academics a priority to students.

For those who know me and my eating habits, I feel a blog describing my experiences with the local food would be entertaining. Let me back up for those that don’t know me that well. I am one of those people who could eat pizza (Mama’s), burgers (The General Store in Rendon), and fried chicken from just about anywhere on any day and be completely content. So it matters not what country I am visiting, finding something that I will naturally want to eat would be difficult. My mother always told me that I would grow out of it. I will be turning 45 this year and she is still waiting. Additionally, I don’t like my food to touch or remotely being mixed together. I joke with those who know me and tolerate my eating habits, that my stomach is divided into compartments so it never touches even after I eat it. So everyday, I will attempt to tell you of a dish that I tried, as well as those that there was no way I would give it a try.

I am looking forward to sharing my as well as our group’s adventures and observations. The Chinese people have been wonderful and are outstanding hosts. I believe this will not only be a tremendous learning experience, but will provide opportunities to understand how education is impacting the global world.

Dr. Bob Morrison

Photo of Tiananmen Square courtesy of Shizhao.


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