Friday, June 27, 2008

Blogging from China - Day 4

Day Four from China:

The adventure to the Great Wall of China was truly a once and a lifetime experience for several reasons. First, words cannot express the true brilliance of the wall. It was overwhelming to think that the Great Wall stretches over 5600 kilometers in length. The final reason that the Great Wall will always be a memorable experience is because after climbing up what seemed to be an endless number of steps, I’m sure the soreness I feel right now in my knees and legs will linger for several days.

We left the Great Wall and traveled to the Ming Tombs. There are 13 Ming Tombs but only three are open to the public. From the Ming Tombs we traveled to the Sacred Way. The Sacred Way was the most peaceful place we have traveled to date.

The Chinese culture is steeped in rich historical traditions. As a former history teacher, I spent a great deal of time telling students about historical events and the places they occurred. Seeing China and experiencing its culture and people has provided me a perspective that can only be achieved through observations.

Good news from those individuals that are following “what in the world is Bob going to eat in China” subject. Lunch today at was a traditional Chinese restaurant. However, the group voted on pizza for dinner. They say it was for my benefit, but I think they were all growing a bit weary of Chinese food for the 8th straight meal. So for whatever the reason, I ate dinner for the first time since I was in China. Cheese pizza never tasted so good……

Tomorrow we leave Beijing for Tianjin.


(Blogging from China Photo Gallery)

Great Wall photo courtesy of Fred Hsu (
Wikipedia:User:Fredhsu on en.wikipedia).
Ming Tombs photo courtesy of Wikimedia Commons User: Ofol.


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