Thursday, April 18, 2013

New District Website Launch

The Mansfield ISD website received a digital makeover this week to bring the district and department-level pages up to the same design and management standards as the campus websites. The new design and management uses the finalsite web software content management system. In May, 2011 the School Board approved the purchase agreement to put the website redesign project wheels in motion.

Following a comprehensive design and training schedule, the campus websites went live in April, 2012. After the campus sites were up and running, MISD Web Services Coordinator, Alicia Alford, moved on to the district and department redesign project.

A Website Redesign Committee was established and met to discuss the aspects of the district website that worked well in addition to things that needed improvement. Among the areas for improvement:
  • Header (navigation bar) needed to be compatible with all platforms
  • More consistency at lower level pages
  • Cleaner, more updated look similar to campus redesign
  • Mobile-friendly design and functionality
After the new design parameters were established, the redesign and content transfers began in November, 2012 and the site is ready for show @

Frequent users of the MISD website should notice some major changes and will hopefully be pleased with the new look. If you've bookmarked specific pages such as Skyward or Cafeteria Menus, you'll need to update those bookmarks to the new pages.


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