Friday, November 2, 2012

Town Hall: The Role of Standardized Testing in Education

The HOPE Foundation in partnership with the Mansfield ISD will hold a Town Hall meeting on Thursday, November 8, 2012 at 5:45 p.m. The topic of the Town Hall is “What should the role of Standardize Testing be in education?” It will be held at the Mansfield ISD Center for the Performing Arts, located at 1110 West Debbie Lane, Mansfield TX 76063.

As parents we often only look at our children’s test scores or visit the schools website to see their grades. Some of the questions we need to be asking to ensure our children are graduating as 21st century learners who are college and career ready go well beyond just grades and scores These questions and more will be addressed at the Town Hall meeting.

Moderator: Christopher Swanson - Vice President of Editorial Projects in Education, Education Week

  • Lamar Goree – Area Superintendent, Mansfield Independent School District
  • Dr. Shelly Butler – Middle School Principal, Mansfield Independent School District
  • Kelly Standley – Instructional Specialist, Mansfield Independent School District
  • Melanie Castellow – Curriculum Director, LaGrange Independent School District
  • Lee Fleming – Director of New School Development, New Tech Network
Mansfield ISD parents are invited to be part of our Town Hall because you play a crucial large role in shaping not only the future your children but of this region, state and beyond.


The Thursday night Town Hall meeting is in coordination with a HOPE Foundation conference entitled "How Schools Work" being held at The Center on November 8-9 for educators:
The "How Schools Work" Series goes beyond what to do to assure student success and directly into how it is being done in schools throughout North America -- right now. The fact is that schools are succeeding. Importing gurus is misguided because The Answer Is in the Room. Every school has excellent teaching going on, and every district has successful schools. The challenge has been in scaling that success. HOPE's past decade has been spent developing and field-testing a method for scaling success already underway in schools. Now you can see that in action.
Teachers from our District as well as from surrounding school districts will attend this national conference being held here in the Mansfield ISD.


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