Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Jobe Middle School service project is for the birds

The Builders Club at Linda Jobe Middle School is a community service organization that seeks to cultivate young leaders within the school. The group is sponsored by the Kiwanis Club of Mansfield which provided many of the resources needed for the Builders Club's service and learning projects. 

One of the projects they did this year was recently highlighted during the May school board meeting. The club built bird houses for Watercrest at Mansfield, an area senior adult living community. The students brainstormed this idea with the help of Cheryl Litke, their Kiwanis sponsor, and developed a plan of action. Home Depot donated the materials to construct the bird houses and the students stayed after school to glue and hammer them together. 

"We had tons and laughs and great pizza," said Angela Small, Jobe teacher and club sponsor. "The students then took their bird houses homes and continued to paint and design the bird houses with their family. This project was fun and exciting for all those involved and we foresee many more service learning projects in Jobe’s future!" 

On May 22, 2012, Mrs. Elizabeth Hostin (principal), Ms. Angela Small, Mrs. Cheryl Litke, and several students from the Builders Club (pictured above) attended the School Board meeting to present their finished bird houses to the Watercrest Community. The birdhouses will be on display in their adjoined park.


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