Friday, January 6, 2012

Help Pick Student Questions for the Astronauts

What would you ask astronauts in the International Space Station?

Maybe something like...
  • How do you deal with minor and major injuries and/or illnesses while in space?
  • How is the ISS protected from space debris and can you feel when debris hits the station?
  • Do you sweat in space?  If yes, does it float?
  • Does your blood pressure change in space?
  • What is the most beautiful thing you’ve ever seen while in space?

We need your help narrowing down the student questions for the astronauts. Decide which 10 questions students will ask the astronauts by selecting your five favorite from the list on this online survey. [Editor's note: The survey closed January 17.]

In related news, the temporary "N" for NASA Low was put up on the school building over the winter break:

NASA Low Intermediate School will also host their Space Night school community event on Friday, January 27 from 6:00-8:00 PM.

Special thank you to Mouser Electronics for their generous sponsorship of this educational opportunity.


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