Friday, November 18, 2011

Eight-Period School Schedule


UPDATED Monday, November 28, 2011 
We are currently working on revisions to the eight-period schedule for next year. A revised schedule will be released later this week that will include 45 minute class periods and changes to the start and end times for the day. We appreciate your patience on this schedule update as we address the valid concerns and valuable feedback from the community.
Original Post from Friday, November 18, 2011 at 11:59 AM

Due to the fact the district was cut $13 million this school year by the Texas Legislature and will be cut an additional $13 million next school year, Mansfield ISD has made the decision to move to an eight-period day at the secondary level (high school, middle, intermediate). Compared to other available options, the decision to change our schedule is in the best interest of our students, staff and district. No programs are being eliminated, so our students will continue to be able to participate in the current programs offered. No staff members will be laid off because of the budget cuts.

The length of the school day and the start and ending times of classes have not been finalized. We are continuing to gather feedback on these times from our students, staff and parents. If you have a question or comment, you may comment on this blog post or send it to . We will add frequently asked questions below the graphic as new questions are asked. Thank you for taking the time to review this information and providing input.

Dr. Bob Morrison
Superintendent, Mansfield ISD
Click graphic above for larger image. (Graphic updated at 3:40 PM, November 18, 2011.)


Why are we changing our schedule?
Mansfield ISD’s state and federal funding was cut $13 million in the 2011-12 school year and is expected to be cut another $13 million in 2012-13 school year. The change to the district’s bell schedule will result in an estimated savings of $6 million per school year. The district has made changes to operations in the last two years to reduce expenses, but the district is now entering a phase where tougher budget decisions will have to be made. 

Why do we need eight periods, instead of seven?
All MISD students must earn 27 credits to graduate. A seven period day would only allow for 28 credits and students would lose the ability to take certain elective courses that they enjoy. Students who need to repeat a course would have very little flexibility in their schedules to do so. An eight period day gives our students more flexibility.

How will this change impact instructional time at the high school?
An eight-period schedule will increase instructional time for high school students by approximately 10%. The new eight-period schedule will have 8,850 minutes of instructional time for the year, in place of the current 8000 minutes offered by the A/B Schedule. Students will also be able to see their teachers every day. Teachers will have a planning period every day.

How will students manage the load of classwork (tests, etc.) and homework required for an eight period day?
Principals and teachers will work together to develop a homework, test and project schedule that is manageable for students, so they are not overwhelmed.


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