Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Student Fundraising Efforts Rewarded with...Slime?

On October 7, the students of Willie Brown Elementary took part in a Fun Run to raise money for the PTA. For about two weeks leading up to the event, students asked family members, friends and neighbors to sponsor them with a lump sum or $5 per lap. By the end of the run, the students raised almost $25,000!

You may wonder what kept these students motivated throughout their forty-lap course. Was it the pizza party that would be provided to the class in each grade level that raised the most money?


What about the iPod Touch that would be won by the student who raised the most in the entire school?

That’s probable.

How about the promise that if they did a great job they would be able to watch their P.E. Coach, Principal AND the Superintendent get SLIMED?


After the overwhelming success of the event, the slime victims knew their fate was sealed. On the afternoon of October 21, students and teachers of Brown Elementary gathered in the school courtyard to watch Superintendent Dr. Bob Morrison, Principal Kyna Eastlick and P.E. Coach David Johnson get covered in purple, pink and green slime (you can imagine the thunderous applause).

PTA Fundraising Chair Caryn Angus played a big role in organizing the event and she is also credited with convincing Dr. Morrison to take part.

“We know how much he loves the schools and teachers and he knows how much we love Willie Brown Elementary,” said Angus. “He has now proved that he is the coolest Superintendent out there… and he can wear purple slime like no other!” 

Not only was the Fun Run a blast for the students, it was a healthy way to raise money for the school.

When asked if she would volunteer to be slimed again next year, Eastlick replied, “Of course I would! It was for a good cause and it allowed us to show the students how much we appreciated their hard work.”


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