Thursday, September 8, 2011

Student Makes the Most of Leadership Position

by Abby Cloud

Senior Jordan Robinson has more on his mind than college, prom and graduation. As the President of the Texas Association of DECA, he leads over 10,675 members and represents the third largest association within the National DECA organization.

I had the opportunity to meet Mr. Robinson to discuss his role as Texas DECA President, his recent leadership conference in Washington D.C. and more.

Abby: This is a really big year for you! How did this leadership opportunity come about?

Jordan: When I decided to run for office, I wasn’t sure what I was getting myself into. Once I got to the conference and set up my campaign booth, I learned quickly that I had to come out from behind the booth to build connections and have one-on-one conversations with people.

Abby: I hear you gave an epic campaign speech. Why do you think it was so successful?

Jordan: The day before the speeches I talked to a lot of members and I got a really good feel for what they wanted and expected from a President. I realized my original speech did not line up with their feedback, so I was up until about 2:00 that night making changes to my speech. Also, mine was one of the last speeches delivered, so after hearing everyone else’s, I knew what I needed to do to set myself apart.

Abby: Fast forward to your current position as President… what responsibilities do you have on your plate?

Jordan: I’m gearing up for a leadership conference in New Braunfels. We’re working on a Dress for Success workshop that will help give people the basics on professionalism. I’ve also been coordinating community service projects for our chapter, which is something I am really passionate about.

Abby: How much of your free time is spent working on DECA projects?

Jordan: I work on DECA stuff every day! I made myself take a week off during the summer, but then I ended up with two weeks of work to catch up on. It’s definitely a huge responsibility, but I know it is worth it.

 Abby: What about the fun stuff? How was your leadership trip in D.C. this summer?

Jordan: It was definitely an opportunity for me to bond with my leadership team. We went on a lot of different tours, so I was able to see the Smithsonian and the Arlington Cemetery, which was awesome! I think the most valuable thing I took home from the trip was what I learned about coordinating and leading a team.

Abby: In what ways has this leadership position allowed you to impact others? 

Jordan: I think I have inspired my teammates through my accomplishments. Now there are other people in my chapter that want to run for district or state office. I helped show people that even if you come from a small town, you can still do big things.

Abby: Now the inevitable interview question for seniors… How about those future plans?

Jordan: I’m hoping to start college at TCU next year, and if they don’t already have a DECA chapter, I would love to get one started and get others involved. I’m interested in studying chemical engineering or computer science. Even though DECA has more of a business focus, I have learned things about time management and organization that I think will be helpful to me no matter what career I choose.

Abby: What else do you want people to know about you?

Jordan: When I decided to run for DECA office, a lot of people were worried that it would change me. Yes, I am the state president and I have a lot of stuff to do, but I would still drop anything to be there for my friends. I’m still Jordan, just a busier version. 

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