Monday, June 13, 2011

2011 by the numbers and interesting facts

NumbersImage by DrBacchus via FlickrAs the 2010-11 school year comes to a close and we head into the summer months, we would like to share some of the more interesting facts and figures from the District:
  • We currently have 4 construction projects representing approximately 750,000 square feet of space.
  • The Mansfield ISD Education Foundation has given over $2,000,000 in the form of educator grants to our teachers since 1998.
  • We have approximately 75 applicants for every principal job that opens in our District.
  • In the last 2 years, approximately 70% of our principals, directors, and coordinators level positions have been filled with internal candidates.
  • 137 student teachers were placed this year with 213 cooperating teachers.
  • We average 125 applicants for every assistant principal opening and have had as many as 182 applicants for a high school assistant principal job.
  • On average we have 300 teacher applicants for every open position.
  • We have 55 teachers going through an administrator's training class taught by Human Resources; so far 3 of our assistant principal positions were filled with these interns.
  • 114 scholarships totaling $84,850 were awarded in the 2011 Mansfield ISD Community Multi-Scholarship program.
  • The Mansfield ISD website has had over 4,900,000 hits since August 2010.
  • There are over 110 languages spoken in Mansfield ISD other than English.
  • The Technology Department handles approximately 150,000 e-mails per day.
  • Generally speaking, it takes $1,000,000 per day to operate Mansfield ISD.
  • Our Transportation Department carries 22,390 passengers per day traveling over 2.5 million miles per year.
  • Our Student Nutrition Department  served 776,848 breakfasts, 2,892,222 lunches, and 3,093,032 cartons of milk.
  • A staffing survey by the Texas Association of School Boards shows that Mansfield ISD has 512 fewer employees than comparible districts across the state.
  • On average, MISD grows in enrollment by the size of a middle school each year.
  • Mansfield ISD has 5,350,967 square feet of air conditioned space and 800 mowable acres of land.
  • Mansfield ISD used 55,828,455 KwH of electricity last year - enough to power all the electricity needs for the homes of each of our students and staff for one year (approximately 37,000 homes).
  • Mansfield ISD operates under budget.
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