Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Asa Low Students Surpass Fundraising Goal

The Student Council members of Asa Low Jr. Intermediate School sponsored a “Pennies for Patients” fundraiser for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society over the course of two weeks in April.

The school’s goal was to raise $1,600, but in the end they collected $3,400 (more than DOUBLE that amount)! The school teams competed to collect the largest team balance, which would earn them a pasta lunch from Olive Garden. 

The penny drive was in memory of Tristen Dasch, a student from Brooks Wester Middle School (and a former Boren Bear from J.L. Boren Elementary) who lost his battle with leukemia this past summer.

Congratulations to the students from Asa Low, who worked so hard to raise money for such a worthy cause. Great job!

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