Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Wester Student Exhibits Lone Star Leadership

Each year outstanding student leaders are nominated by their educators to participate in Lone Star Leadership Academy programs. Upon completion of these programs, students are invited to join Education in Action’s alumni organization, the Lone Star Youth Leadership Council. Council members receive a structured and guided opportunity to continue their leadership training.

Education in Action announced that the Lone Star Youth Leadership Council program had its highest rate of participation since its inception nine years ago, with 147 student leaders from 70 school districts, two charter schools, five private schools and one university.

This year’s lessons focused on identifying members’ leadership strengths and developing their communication, listening and presentation skills. These skills were honed and put into action through services projects, which members were responsible for creating and leading in their communities with the end goal being for members to improve the lives of those around them.

Among the 147 participants was Grant Williams, an 8th grader from Brooks Wester Middle School. As a first year member, Williams took on the task of developing a project called, “Take a Look at a Book.” He led a group of volunteers to collect and donate 304 books to an economically disadvantaged campus, Erma Nash Elementary.

“Working to bring people together to help others made me a better person and leader,” said Williams. “I’m sure the people who donated also feel like better people now. I want to thank everyone who helped out.”

Members that successfully complete program requirements also have the opportunity to return to the Lone Star Leadership Academy as Youth Facilitators, where they will mentor younger students and receive additional leadership training.

Mansfield ISD, along with the Education in Action Staff applaud the accomplishments Grant Williams and all members of the 2010 – 2011 Lone Star Youth Leadership Council.

Sponsor: Judy Norton, Social Students Teacher


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