Monday, September 13, 2010

Budding Meteorologist Breaks in Boren Board

This is cross-posted from the Technology blog:

J.L. Boren Elementary first grade teacher Stephannie Waller forwarded this video about the first day that an ActivBoard was used in her class.

This is Mrs. Waller’s description of the video:

Just wanted to send you an email/video of my first grade class from this morning when we had all the right cables & electricity, etc. so that we could use our Promethean Board in my First Grade Classroom at JL Boren. I have a student meteorologist for the week & this bright student saw that what was on the promethean board was what he saw every morning on our computer when he checked the weather, so he asked, “Can I check the weather on that?” Seeing that it was a very teachable moment & that he could teach every other student how to be a meteorologist I said yes. So he clicked it on & then I asked him to click on the Doppler Radar (it was raining this morning & they would actually have something to watch) & then asked him to enlarge it & from there he went to town, like a natural.

Thanks so much, the kids LOVE this, I love this & the learning possibilities are limitless!

Scenes similar to this one were repeated at Phase I elementary schools across the District last week. It will be exciting to see how MISD teachers and students will use these tools throughout the year.


(Note: This interactive white board demonstration video also got the attention of the American Meteorological Society and ended up being included on their blog last week.)


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