Thursday, April 22, 2010

Happy Earth Day

Every so often we receive some unique bit of information, story or classroom work that seem like they would be good to share with the community. Today marks the 40th Anniversary of Earth Day and we heard from a few campuses that celebrated with Earth-friendly activities.

Here's one that was especially creative:

Wester Middle School students are studying Shakespeare and his sonnets. One class wrote a class sonnet titled Sonnet 155 to mark Earth Day. (Shakespeare wrote 154 sonnets.)

Sonnet 155

Our tortured Earth, we will give what is due
And make sure nature is still blooming bright
We pick up trash and oft’ recycle too
Thus keep enjoying wonderful our sight

Clean salt waters into a sparkle new
Keep pure the air while song birds live flying
And underground, fish swim in oceans blue
Repay, return, or Earth will keep dying

Now picking up pieces of our planet
Earth’s creatures deserve beauty as a home
As does Michael Jackson’s sister, Janet
Lest we all leave this breath-taking, blue dome

Tis not fair why Mother Earth must suffer
Our life’s not fair, She has it twice tougher

Written by Mrs. McKinzey’s students
Wester Middle School

Earth Day, April 22, 2010

Students from the Wester campus also did their part for Earth Day by picking up trash:
You can see a few other Earth Day photos from campuses on our Facebook photo album.
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