Thursday, February 18, 2010

We missed 'Love the Bus Day'

Thanks to last week's snow day, we had a variety of school and athletic events or activities that had to be rescheduled, moved, or otherwise altered in some way. We've made an adjustment to the calendar to make up the day at the end of the year. The flexibility from our District community has helped us get back to needs at hand.

However, there was one item that was overlooked from Friday, February 12 - Love the Bus Day.

The MISD Transportation Department team provided some great information about the work that they do in honor of Love the Bus Day:
  • Annually, Mansfield ISD buses transport students 2,479,445 miles.
  • Mansfield ISD has 210 buses within its fleet.
  • It takes an average of 3 weeks of training before a driver can drive a bus by themselves.
  • Each morning, we actually deliver students to campuses 430 times prior to the campus initial bell. During the day, we have nearly 100 buses shuttling students from campus to campus or from home to campus or campus to home. In the afternoon, we take all the students home again.
  • With a fleet of 32 Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) buses, MISD is the largest district in the state to use CNG.
  • We have received grants from Texas Emissions Reduction Plan, Department of Energy, North Central Texas Council of Governments, and the Texas Comptroller (State Energy Conservation Office) in addition to grant funding for emission reduction trap program and for seat back cover education program.
  • A modern school bus has the structural strength to hold twice its weight on the roof to prevent a crushing effect if there is ever a rollover. The bus is designed to absorb a side impact in such a way as to channel the impacting car to the area below the floor of the bus, thus protecting the student riders. Our buses generally have 2 roof exits, 2 door exits and 4-6 window exits, should emergency occur.
  • Our drivers have a combined 937 years of driving experience.
  • All school buses must meet noise level requirements that prevent passenger compartment noise levels from exceeding 85 decibels, consistent with the advice of the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health to prevent hearing loss.
  • According to the Transportation Research Board, a part of the National Academy of Sciences, a child is 13 times safer in a school bus than in other modes of travel. Children driving to school or riding with other teenage drivers are 44 times more likely to be fatally injured than in a school bus. (“The Relative Risks of School Travel,” 2002).
What can parents do to help keep kids safe on and off the school bus?
  • Walk your child to and from the bus stop. If possible, wait with him or her until the bus arrives.
  • Be alert to traffic. Check both ways for cars before stepping off the bus.
  • Wait for the bus driver’s signal before crossing the street.
  • Walk in front of the bus; never walk behind the bus to cross the street.
  • While waiting for the bus, stay in a safe place away from the street.
  • Before leaving the sidewalk, look for the flashing lights.
  • Never go under the bus to retrieve something you’ve dropped.
  • Teach your child the importance of staying seated on the bus.
  • Get to know your bus driver. He or she is a trained professional who sees your child every day; he or she would be happy to tell you about the safety features on the bus and the responsibility drivers have for keeping their young passengers safe.
  • Get to know the parents of other riders. You will learn about the other children your riding along with your child.
  • See the MISD Transportation bus safety page.
The Love the Bus program, founded in 2007 and coordinated by the American School Bus Council (ASBC), is celebrated throughout February in school districts across the country as a way to raise awareness and appreciation for the hundreds of thousands of school bus drivers who safely transport more than 26 million school children to and from school each day. It is also an opportunity for parents and children to learn more about the safety and environmental benefits of school bus transportation.


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