Thursday, February 5, 2009

Sixty-two Days and Eduspeak

Hello MISD community. We know it has been a very long time (62 days to be exact) since our last post. There really is no good reason for the lag in writing other than the days just kept getting away from us and we look up and realize a significant amount of time has passed.

For our first post back in this space, we want to provide you with a useful resource.

Have you ever thought people in education speak in a different language? We know we participate in some so-called "eduspeak."

So here is a resource of public education-related acronyms and what they mean:

  1. ACCEL - Advanced Courses and Curriculum for Exceptional Learners
  2. ACT - American College Test
  3. AEIS - Academic Excellence Indicator System
  4. AEP - Alternative Education Program
  5. AP - Advanced Placement
  6. ARD - Admission, Review and Dismissal Committee
  7. AVID - Advancement Via Individual Determination
  8. BE - Bilingual Education
  9. BIP - Behavior Intervention Plan
  10. CBA - Curriculum Based Assessments
  11. CEHI - Compensatory Education Home Instruction
  12. CTE - Career & Technology Education
  13. DAEP - Disciplinary Alternative Education Program
  14. DAP - Distinguished Achievement Program
  15. DEIC - District-wide Educational Improvement Program
  16. DRA - Developmental Reading Assessment
  17. ELA - English Language Arts
  18. ESC - Education Service Center
  19. ESL - English as a Second Language
  20. ESY - Extended School Year
  21. ExCET - Examination for Certification of Educators in Texas
  22. FAFSA - Free Application for Federal Student Aid
  23. FAPE - Free and Appropriate Public Education
  24. FERPA - Family Education Rights & Privacy Act
  25. FIRST - Financial Integrity Rating System of Texas
  26. FTE - Full Time Equivalent
  27. GED - Graduation Equivalency Degree
  28. GPA - Gold Performance Acknowledgement
  29. GT - Gifted and Talented
  30. IDEA - Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
  31. IEP - Individual Education Plan
  32. ITP - Individual Transition Plan
  33. JFK - Just for Kids website
  34. LDAA - Locally Developed Alternative Assessment
  35. LEA - Local Education Agency
  36. LEP - Limited English Proficiency
  37. LPAC - Language Proficiency Academic Committee
  38. NCLB - No Child Left Behind Act - 2001
  39. OEYP - Optional Extended Year Program
  40. PDAS - Professional Development Assessment System
  41. PEIMS - Public Education Information Management System
  42. PEP - Pregnancy Education & Parenting
  43. PGP - Personal Graduation Plan
  44. PSAT - Preliminary Scholastic Aptitude Test
  45. PTA - Parent Teacher Association
  46. PTO - Parent Teacher Organization
  47. RPTE - Reading Proficiency Test in English
  48. RTI - Response to Intervention
  49. SACS-CASI - Southern Association of Colleges & Schools - Council on Accreditation & School Improvement
  50. SAT - Scholastic Aptitude Test
  51. SBDM - Site-Based Decision Making
  52. SBOE - State Board of Education
  53. SCE - State Compensatory Education
  54. SDAA - State Developed Alternative Assessment
  55. SEM - Standard Error of Measurement
  56. SE's - Student Expectations
  57. SIOP - Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol
  58. SSI - Student Success Initiative
  59. TAKS - Texas Assessment of Knowledge & Skills
  60. - TAKS Acc. - Accommodated
  61. - TAKS Alt - Alternative
  62. - TAKS M - Modified
  63. TBA - TAKS Based Assessments
  64. TBSI - Texas Behavior Support Initiative
  65. TEA - Texas Education Agency
  66. TEKS - Texas Essential Knowledge & Skills
  67. TELPAS - Texas English Language Proficiency Assessment System
  68. TExES - Texas Examinations of Educator Standards
  69. THEA - Texas Higher Education Assessment
  70. TOPT - Texas Oral Proficiency Test
  71. TPRI - Texas Primary Reading Inventory
  72. TRS - Teacher Retirement System of Texas
We'll start with 72 (62 for every day since our last post and an extra 10 as a bonus.)

Periodically check back to this list since it may grow as needed to accommodate new acronyms. If you come across an acronym and want to know what it means, please leave a comment and we'll see about tracking it down for you.

(Note: Most of these eduspeak acronyms and their meanings were compiled by our good friends in the Eagle Mountain-Saginaw ISD.)


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