Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Transportation Teams up for Food Drive

From Assistant Director of Transportation, Brian Merchant:

I wanted to take a moment and share something that has been truly wonderful here at the Transportation Department. This year, Mr. Scott Shafer [Director of Operations] introduced several new team concepts to our employees here that has been very beneficial to our morale, and co-worker relationships. We have two locations where we have six Route Specialists at 6th Avenue, and six Route Specialists at Main St. All of the full-time drivers and attendants have been placed on these 12 teams and divided up into to 12 different colors that are apparent by the lanyards they wear each day.

This month the team challenge was a canned food drive where the winning team would win a trophy to proudly display where the winning team is located.

The drive ended this week and the teams from 6th Avenue and Main Street donated a combined 4,300 items for First Methodist Mansfield 's Wesley Mission Center food pantry. 

I wanted to share this with you because the generosity of our teams has truly been a blessing to everyone here and to the recipients they will never meet.

Editor's Note: There are food drives going on across the school district. Please check with your school for details on how you can support our local food pantries.
T.A. Howard Middle School and Cross Timbers Intermediate School Stuff the Bus Food Drive benefiting Harvesting International Ministry Center.

Friday, November 15, 2013

Preparing for a new custom mobile app

We're working on an all-new custom mobile app. Our goal is to provide a convenient source for district and school information, delivered directly to the fingertips of parents, students, staff and community. Once it's launched, the new mobile app will be free and available for download on Android and Apple devices.

Back in August, 2011 we launched an iPhone app that at the time was a pretty useful tool but it had some limitations. One of the main issues for us was that we lacked a version for our Android device users. There were also some other technical challenges that we faced and now that old app version has sat dormant with limited updates for some time. Fast forward to today, we're working with a new developer and are excited to launch a new mobile app very soon. But first, we need some feedback.

As we prepare for the development phase, we want to hear from you. Please take a few moments to share your thoughts on what you think should be included in our new mobile app using this brief online survey: Take the Mansfield ISD mobile app survey

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Low Intermediate School Raises Diabetes Awareness

Students and staff were asked to wear white as a
sign of support for diabetes awareness
November 14, is World Diabetes Day. Asa Low Intermediate conducted a special day-long awareness program for the students and staff to demonstrate the statistical realities of the number of people diagnosed with diabetes. November 2013 as National Diabetes Month.

What is Diabetes?
There are two different types. Type 1 is a rare form in which the body is unable to make the hormone insulin. Insulin is used to convert sugar or glucose into fuel for the body. People with Type 1 must take injections or use an insulin pump to control their diabetes. Type 2 diabetes accounts for 95% of all diabetes diagnosis. Type 2 occurs when the body does not make enough insulin or the cells are unable to use insulin properly. Type 2 diabetes is treated with healthy meal choices, losing excess weight, exercise, oral medications and/or insulin injections. A third type, gestational diabetes occurs during pregnancy and can increase both the mother and baby's chances of developing Type 2 diabetes later in life.

Brandie McCormic lead the charge at Asa Low Intermediate to host a Mock Diabetes Diagnosis Day. Worldwide, 8% of the population has diabetes. The school demonstrated that statistic today by pretending to "diagnose" 8% of the combined staff and students at Asa Low equaling 76 people by providing a white wristband to indicate a diagnosis.
 Through the activity, 71 people were be assigned with the more common Type 2 diabetes and five were designated with the rare form of Type 1 diabetes.

The administrators and staff selected this activity to raise diabetes awareness and help prevent, treat, and manage the disease particularly the alarming increasing development of TYPE 2 diabetes.While today 1 in 13 are being diagnosed, studies indicate that if current trends continue, that 1 out of every 3 people born in 2000 will develop Type 2 diabetes.

What can we do?
Studies have also shown that reducing high sugar foods such as colas and candy, leading an active life, shedding excess weight, can reduce or forestall the development of Type 2 diabetes by 58%. 
A poster was provided in the cafeteria for students to staff who chose to could list people
that they knew who live with diabetes as a reminder about the importance of prevention

Did you know...
  • Worldwide, 382 million people have diabetes in 2013; by 2035 this will rise to 592 million
  • The number of people with type 2 diabetes is increasing in every country
  • 80% of people with diabetes live in low- and middle-income countries
  • The greatest number of people with diabetes are between 40 and 59 years of age.

Asa Low Intermediate School principal, Jason Short at left
with the diabetes activity inspiration, Brandie McCormic 
International Diabetes Federation, Diabetes Atlas
Presidential Proclamation -- National Diabetes Month, 2013

Friday, November 1, 2013

Bikes for Angels 2013 Campaign

The Automotive Technology Department at Mansfield ISD’s Ben Barber Career Tech Academy is kicking off their school fundraiser for the 2013 Bikes for Angels Fund.

From Rick Curlee, Auto Tech Teacher at Ben Barber Career Tech Academy:

We dedicate our Bikes for Angels fundraiser to Mr. Jerry Bellows. We lost Mr. Bellows in January 2013 to ALS (Lou Gehrig’s disease). Mr. Bellows was very instrumental in our Bikes for Angels Program. Since starting in 2007, our students have raised over $102,000 to purchase 2,416 bicycles for Angel tree children at our Intermediate and Elementary schools in Mansfield and surrounding areas. We have also donated bikes to other community organizations such as the Common Ground Network in Mansfield and Bethlehem Baptist Church as well as the Family Crisis Center and Operation Blessing.

It means so much for the instructors and students who put time, energy, heart and soul into this program to see the Counselors, Principals, Teachers and some of the recipients with tears of joy in their eyes.

We are starting this new school year with the main goal of trying to buy at least 700 bicycles this year for needy children who would otherwise not get bikes for Christmas. We have had students bringing in everything from plastic bags full of change to one student who actually turned over his weekly paycheck to help these children in the past. We've also had many students who had been on Angel Trees when they were younger themselves so thankful for the opportunity to give back to their community.

We ask that you consider helping us again this year to meet our goal by making a donation of any kind. Some examples are listed below:
  • Cars, running or not, and in any shape (Cars must have title)
  • Scrap metal
  • Checks, cash, even your spare change is accepted 
  • It all adds up to bicycles!
Students will visit classrooms, businesses, and their immediate communities trying to raise funds. We also welcome sponsorship for our cause.

If you'd like to donate by check, please make it out to: Bikes for Angels.
Contact Mr. Rick Curlee at MISD Ben Barber Career Tech Academy for receipt of donation or other additional information.
Phone: 817-299-1939
Note: All monies raised will go to bicycles. There are no administrative costs. 

Check out some photos from the 2013 Bike for Angels Campaign!

Superintendent Update - November 2013

Watch Dr. V's November Superintendent Update on YouTube:
Dr. V shares the latest on the MISD Staff Clinic, DSO On The Go concert, the upcoming College and Career Night event and the District's involvement with Restore West ISD efforts.