Monday, July 22, 2013

Ben Barber's @TheShineRunners on cross-country #SolarCar Race

The Shine Runners are on the road on their cross-country solar car race.

You can follow the solar car team from Ben Barber Career Tech Academy on Twitter (@TheShineRunners) and Facebook as they embark on the eight day, 884 mile race from Texas to L.A. for the 20th Annual Solar Car Challenge.

The Shine Runners are among the 14 teams competing in the 2013 Solar Car Challenge.

Track the Shine Runners Solar Car during the race.

Check out the CBS Ch 11 coverage from Texas Motor Speedway as the solar car team prepares for the race - Mansfield Teens Set For Solar Car Race
The Solar Car Challenge was established in 1993 to help motivate students in science and engineering, and to increase alternative energy awareness. The Challenge teaches high school students around the world how to build roadworthy solar cars.

Media coverage from the road:

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Grads Make Radio Gold and Take National Title

Sammy Gonzalez, Ryan Tuomey (Media Tech Teacher at BBCTA), and Gabriel Kunda show off championship medals
Congratulations to Sammy Gonzalez and Gabriel Kunda for winning gold in the Audio/Radio category at the 2013 SkillsUSA National Leadership and Skills Conference. The conference was held June 24-28 in Kansas City, MO. The 49th annual SkillsUSA NLSC is a showcase of career and technical education students.

Representing Ben Barber Career Tech Academy's media tech program, Sammy and Gabriel competed and won gold in the Audio/Radio. Listen to their winning entry. Kunda and Gonzalez are both recent Summit High School graduates.

"I couldn't be more proud of my guys," said Ryan Tuomey, media tech teacher at Ben Barber. "I didn't think I would get emotional, but seeing their face and how happy they were when their name was called, reinforced why I became a teacher. They have worked so hard, stayed focused, and their dedication is what brought them success. I took a line from Friday Night Lights, 'Clear eyes, full hearts, can't lose' and that became our motto throughout the competition. These are two great young men and I am honored to be their mentor. They will go on to do great things one day."

Gabriel Kunda will attend Dallas Baptist University and plans to major in music and minor in communications. Sammy Gonzalez plans to attend the MediaTech Institute in Dallas for a year, and then on to Full Sail University in Florida.

Check out the video, produced by Ryan Tuomey, documenting the SkillsUSA trip and gold medal win:  
Skills USA 2013 National Championship from 2me Productions on Vimeo.

Students Explore Career Tech Courses at Discovery Camp

Students study footprints in CSI Class
When you think about summer camp, you might imagine hiking, canoeing, and a campfire sing-along to “Kumbaya,” but for those who have experienced Rising Stars Discovery camp, the mental picture includes crime scene investigation, a culinary competition, video game design, and much more.

The unique program is designed to give incoming 6th – 8th graders a closer look at some of the courses offered at Ben Barber Career Tech Academy. Over 130 students from across the district attended the camp, which took place June 17 – 27.

The available classes for this year were: Crime Scene Investigation, Culinary Arts, Greek Mythology, Health Sciences, Engineering, and Video Game Design (offerings tend to vary each year, depending on the availability of instructors).

Camp Director, E.B. Holschuh, says the camp aims to expand the minds of students as well as their parents.

“This program plants a seed in their minds and shows them the possibilities beyond traditional high school curriculum,” said Holschuh. “We’ve got an amazing facility here, and we are doing some really cool things.”

On the final day of camp, students were excited to show their parents what they learned at “show off” day. We even heard some students making plans for the 2014 camp.

“In video game design class we learned how to write code, make game characters, and a ton of other fun stuff!” said Wilson Trimble, a soon-to-be 7th grader at T.A. Howard Middle School. “It was a great experience and I hope to get to do it again next year.”

Hats off to Mr. Holschuh and the dedicated staff at BBCTA, on another successful year. Great job!

To learn more about Shining Stars Discovery Camp or Ben Barber Career Tech Academy, please contact the campus at 817.299.1900 or