Friday, December 17, 2010

‘Bikes for Angels’ Program a Record-Breaking Success

The annual ‘Bikes for Angels’ program came to a close this week and the results were fantastic. After about six weeks of fundraising, $26,400 was used to purchase bikes for needy children in the metroplex.

The Auto-Tech students at Ben Barber Career Tech Academy worked diligently to build 603 bikes, which were delivered to thirty-five MISD campuses and fifteen additional organizations this week.

Not only was this year’s donation exceed the previous record by almost $5,000, it was enough to allow the program to fulfill each application received.

The students and staff involved have put a great deal of time and energy forth to make the 2010 ‘Bikes for Angels’ project such a huge success.

“We are so proud of these kids,” said Rick Curlee, Auto-Tech teacher from Ben Barber. “They have worked so hard to get this done and to help provide a better Christmas for hundreds of needy children.”

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Reid 4th grade fills assisted living center with holiday joy

On the sunny morning of December 10, the fourth grade students and teachers from Martha Reid Elementary cheerfully dashed down Country Club Drive to the Walnut Creek Assisted Living Center nearby. The half-mile power walk was only just the beginning of what proved to be a spirited new holiday program.

Students entered Walnut Creek to a warm greeting from an audience of smiling residents, gathered around a beautifully decorated Christmas tree. Music teacher Bridgett Wigley took a seat at the piano and began playing holiday favorites as students sang for the residents.

“We really enjoyed the Martha Reid students singing carols and spreading cheer,” said Lisa Collins, Life Enrichment Director at Walnut Creek. “They enriched our residents’ lives in such a special way!”

In the true spirit of giving, students presented a generous donation of goodies (items ranging from decks of cards to scented hand lotion) for the residents to share. Special hand-made holiday cards were also given.

Updated December 17 for added MISD Short Cuts video:

The new program was warmly received by the staff and residents of Walnut Creek, and the students enjoyed fresh air, exercise and true holiday spirit!

Check out the online gallery:

Friday, December 10, 2010

Mansfield ISD among top-rated districts in new FAST report

Earlier this week the Texas Comptroller's Office released the Financial Allocation Study for Texas (FAST) report. The report grades districts on how well they spend money compared to student performance.

"The 2009 Legislature required the comptroller’s office to develop a way to determine how well districts were spending money compared to how well their students performed.

"Each campus and district were rated based on how well students performed on math and reading tests from year to year, whether it was a 'very low' to 'very high' spending district and compared to peer districts of similar size and student makeup." [SOURCE: Extra Credit]
The Mansfield ISD was among the top-rated districts, with 4.5 stars and a "very low" (which is good) spending index according to the report.

When asked by the Fort Worth Star-Telegram how MISD has such a good balance between spending and academic success, Dr. Jim Vaszauskas, Associate Superintendent for Curriculum, Instruction, and Accountabilitysay said it was because of two things:

"First, we give our principals a great deal of latitude on how they spend their professional development campus funds, and they do a very good job of spending those monies on trainings that focus on instructional improvement.

"Second, we try to closely align our professional development with our district curriculum. Some of the best and least expensive professional development we have is simply giving our teachers time to talk with each other and time to collaboratively produce quality lessons for our students. It’s a really exciting time to be a part of Mansfield ISD."
Since the study is still so new, we will need more time to closely analyze it. However, we are encouraged by seeing these types of results.

Read more about the Financial Allocation Study for Texas (FAST) report or read the study.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Ben Barber's 'Bikes for Angels' campaign featured on local news station

The annual Bikes for Angels campaign at Ben Barber Career Tech Academy was featured earlier today during a segment entitled 'Our Neighbors' on WFAA News 8.

The 2010 goal is to purchase 600 bikes to give away to needy children who would otherwise not get bikes for Christmas.

This is just one of the many holiday charity drives in the District. We are working on putting a list together and posting it to the District website of as many as we can share in the next few days.

Our Neighbor: [Ben] Barber Career Tech Academy

If you have any questions about this campaign or would like to support, contact Mr. Rick Curlee at Ben Barber Career Tech Academy via e-mail RickCurlee [at] or by phone at 817-299-1939. If you help the campaign via a check, please make it out to: MISD Auto Tech and put "Bikes for Angels" in the memo of the check. All monies raised during this campaign go to bicycles.

Related: 2009 Bikes for Angels campaign